How is Scouted different?

We often get asked, out of all the businesses we *could* have created, why did we create a platform that helps people get jobs? 

The short answer? 
Because a person’s first, second, or even third job has the ability to change the entire trajectory of their career. We saw way too much talent get overlooked for opportunities because they didn’t attend the *right* school or have the *right* former title and we realized how much both candidates and companies were missing out.

So, how did we put that into practice? What is Scouted? Simply put, Scouted is a hiring marketplace that believes people are more than their resumes. We help people with 0-15 years of experience land jobs based on who they are, not just how they look on paper. 

Maybe you want to transition careers and need to parlay how your skills transfer from one industry to the next. Maybe you’re on the hunt for your first job, eager to kickstart your career. Regardless, here at Scouted, we’ve always believed that you are more than your resumeThis has been our driving force from day one and it still is today. That’s why we created a platform that shows off your talents, personalities, and potential. 

It’s important to note that Scouted services both sides of the marketplace: We also help companies screen and sort talent based on abilities and potential, on top of skills and experience, because building out the right team is fundamental to your company’s future relevance and successThat’s why we’re determined to bring employers a more strategic, efficient, and data-driven approach to hiring talent. 

What energizes us at Scouted is the knowledge that every day we get to connect individuals to fulfilling careers that allow them to thrive. I constantly feel grateful that I get to work in an industry with the opportunity to not only drive impact at the macro level but also one where we get to make a real difference at the micro-level.

And so now, more than ever, I’m determined to keep Scouted relevant and thriving. The world needs a place that not only helps people find meaningful work but supports them throughout that process.  Scouted is here to ensure you are seen for who you are, not just how you look on paper.